Thursday, November 10, 2011

Charter City Essay

If I were to create my own city in some uninhabited part of the globe where people could come in search of opportunity the key institutions I would use would be property rights for the individual, rule of law, markets and free trade, and free press. 
First, individual property rights are essential to economic growth. We have been divinely instructed of this. In D&C 134:2 it reads “We believe that no government can exist in peace, except such laws are framed and held inviolate as will secure each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life”. These are the natural rights of man, which have been given of God of which we are born and cannot be taken away. They are essential for a government to exist in peace and a society to take place. Individual property rights will also encourage development and societal growth. This city cannot flourish without inhabitants, and the more the better. This is due to the fact that they bring their business with them. Their work, either in corporate businesses or their own small business, will stimulate economy through competition and selling their product. It will also stimulate technological growth and advances, increasing city growth and could lead to more trade between cities and countries. Labor productivity will surely improve, as well as human capital (knowledge and skills). They will also develop their properties as well, which will make them more valuable and stimulate the economy with buying and selling increased value property. 
Next, the rule of law. This is the idea that people and the government must abide by and obey the laws of the land. This is essential in holding a society together. It prevents the government from controlling the people and vice versa. All are equal under the law, therefore no one is above it. It helps guarantee the economic growth in that no one body controls the economy. The government is not able to force the people to do certain jobs for a certain amount of money. Thus we are able to have entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are essential to economic growth because they promote competition. They pursue profits and compete with the big business so that they aren’t able to monopolize the market. Therefore supply and demand aren’t stagnant, but rather may go up.
Also, there are markets and free trade. Free market is based on the right to property. Free market and trade promote competition, and we as humans strive to be the best and compete with each other. If there was no incentive, for example if we all received the same amount of money for our work, there would be no growth. No one would feel the need to work harder or create new technologies or make more money (because it would be impossible). On a spiritual level, we have been commanded to improve and use our talents and with this lack of incentive we would be wasting them. There wouldn’t be different companies for the same product with different costs, demand for the product could decrease. We are always looking for the next best thing, the newest technologies, and if there wasn’t any growth in it we would all eventually have the product and demand would decrease or disappear. 
Free press is the final institution I would use. Free press promotes economic growth in a few ways. One would be that it would get the word out about the city and promote city growth through people migrating there. This leads into the other ideas previously mentioned like entrepreneurship. Also, these small businesses can get the word out about their business and create some buzz around their product. They can increase their clientele. Others can speak of businesses they most trust or got the best value from. The city, as a whole, could also use this free press to contact and promote trade between other cities or countries promoting economic growth throughout the world. If the government controlled the press they could limit entrepreneur and small business exposure, which without exposure these would fail and the big business or government business could create a monopoly which would not stimulate economic growth.
The key institutions necessary for economic growth are property rights for the individual, rule of law, markets and free trade, and free press. Using these institutions I would create a city that flourishes in economic growth.


  1. Great essay! I enjoyed it, and you named at least three "rules of the game," that is awesome. Good Job.

  2. Wow! I learned a lot from your essay! I love the part about free press. That was very insightful. I followed your essay and understood exactly what you were saying. You would have a successful city.
